Cover films

//Cover films
Cover films 2017-10-04T08:52:35+01:00

Project Description

Product Details

Providing excellent protection dealing with low temperatures in open field crops and an exceptional insulation used as an internal film in double roof structures. Available in blown film, transparent, clear or diffused,  low thickness, high mechanical and spectral properties.

Multi perforation: In this application, the multi perforation ensures a good balance of diurnal and nocturnal temperatures. Perforation of 6/8 mm diameter, available in parallel or domino formation. This perforation type is being used in a great variety of crops (melon, watermelon, peppers).

CODE PRODUCT NAME % Light transmission % Light diffusion AD Effect % Thermicity AV Effect Thickness
C790 LOW TUNNEL AD IR 89 50 yes 70 no 50μm